The Summer Works Scheme (SWS) is designed to allow schools to carry out small and medium scale building works that will improve and upgrade existing school buildings. This scheme is additional to other capital funding schemes that are operated by the Department of Education and Skills such as the additional accommodation scheme, Emergency Works scheme i.e. for projects of such urgency that they would prevent some or all of the school from opening, and Minor Works schemes.  The current SWS was announced in late 2015 and is being applied on a multi-annual basis.

Projects under the 2019 Summer Works Scheme relate to applications submitted by schools in categories 7, 8 and 9

Priority/Category 7:                 Window projects

Priority/Category 8:                 Curricular requirement projects

Priority/Category 9:                 Other structural improvements

Window Insaller

Here are the live tenders for 2019:

Project ID Project Title Location Tender Deadline
1040574 School External Aluminium Door Upgrade Co.Dublin 29/04/2019 12:00
1038439 School Window Replacment Co. Kilkenny 18/04/2019 16:00
1038614 School Window Replacment Co. Cork 23/04/2019 12:00
1039837 School Window & Door Upgrade Co. Dublin 25/04/2019 12:00
1039679 Refurbishment Works Co. Tipperary 22/04/2019 12:00
1036256 School Window Replacement Co. Dublin 15/05/2019 02:30
1040661 Replacement Windows, External Doors, Roof lights Co.Dublin 01/05/2019 12:00


Applications from over 1,650 schools were received in response to a call for proposals in November 2015 from schools under the multi-annual SWS (2016 and 2017).

Circular Letter (0055/2015) governing the scheme, which may be accessed on the Department’s website, states that applications would be prioritised in the following categories:  

Priority/Category 1:                Gas Works

Priority/Category 2:                Electrical Works

Priority/Category 3:                Mechanical works

Priority/Category 4:                Projects to facilitate inclusion and access for special needs pupils are now funded under the Emergency Works scheme

Priority/Category 5:                Toilet facilities

Priority/Category 6:                 Roof works

Priority/Category 7:                 Window projects

Priority/Category 8:                 Curricular requirement projects

Priority/Category 9:                 Other structural improvements

Priority/Category 10:               External environment projects