Construction Information Services (CIS) witnessed a huge surge in the volume of commencement notices submitted in the month of April within the residential sector in the Republic of Ireland.

Last month a total of 18,664 units commenced on site, compared to 5.2k units in March and 2.5k units for the same period last year. The Dublin region saw the largest amount of activity with 6.3k units starting, compared to the Western region which saw just 734 units commencing.

Boosting supply is key to addressing the problems at the heart of the housing system. Housing for All has set an average annual delivery target of 33,000 homes per year to be delivered over the next 6 years.  Given the requirement and demand for housing nationwide, the Government introduced an initiative last year to incentivise the commencement of house building. The Temporary Development Contribution Waiver Scheme applied for 1 year to all permitted residential development that commence on site between the 25th of April 2023 and the 24th of April 2024, and is completed no later than the 31st of December 2025. The waiver will cover the full cost of the development contribution levy due from the developer or project promoter under the development contribution scheme operated by the relevant local authority.

The waiver scheme applies to all permitted residential development including multi-unit developments, self-build houses and one-off rural houses, student accommodation and sheltered housing schemes. The scheme does not apply to domestic extensions, renovations or refurbishments of existing dwellings, changes of use, granny flats, nursing homes, hotels, hostels, or apart-hotels. As of last month, the Government announced that the development contribution waiver will now be extended to the end of 2024.

The regional breakdown is as follows for units starting in April; Dublin 6.3k units, Mid-east 3.5k units, South-west 3.5k units, Midlands 1.4k units, Mid-west 1.1k units, South-east 1k units, Border 1k units and the Western region 734 units.                                                                                                                                       

It is evident that this initiative has really been bought in to by developers, house builders and individuals undertaking self-build projects. We would hope to see the impact of this surge of housing activity in the coming months when we share CIS’s housing completion data.

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